Paul Binnie A Golden Crown

Paul Binnie “A Golden Crown” artwork
Paul Binnie
A Golden Crown
Series title
Oil painting on canvas
Paper dimensions (h × w)
Image dimensions (h × w)
Handsome Men (Bidanshi 美男子)
"Another Gloedenian arcadian youth. Many thanks to Miguel for twisting into this pose in my garden, and for the painting, he’s sitting on the plinth of a broken marble column in front of a fig tree, but without a fig leaf. It’s all about sunlight and the floral crown seems to capture the golden sun, while reflected light illuminates the young man’s torso and face. The edges of the shadow his shoulder casts on his leg are warm, though the light reflecting from the blue sky is cool, and while his face and body are realistically rendered, the background of fig leaves is much more thickly and loosely painted, almost abstract in many areas. I took these photos with the frame the painting will fit into when it’s fully dry, and it gives the painting a feel of a century or more ago, which I rather like." Binnie, June 2022
Catalogue number
Supplementary images