I've previously posted the public version of this print, Nemesis, and here is the final, more symbolist version. I was asked by a US museum to create a woodblock print featuring 'mokume' or woodgrain printing, and that is the final image, the support under the cat. I used a salvaged piece of very weathered wood for this, which was pretty hard to print from, especially to get the bokashi shading from dark purple to very light, left to right. The second detail is of the moon of the title and the third is the embossing on the hairs of the cat's fur to give it texture.
In 2018, The Ringling Museum in Sarasota, Florida invited Binnie to create a woodblock print demonstrating one of Saitō Kiyoshi’s signature techniques, mokume-zuri, or woodgrain printing. Binnie's process was illustrated in Saito Kiyoshi: Graphic Awakening.