Jigsaw woodblock print on paper Artworks by series A Collection of Eastern Brocade BeautiesA Day At the BeachA Great Mirror of the Actors of the Heisei PeriodA Hundred Shades of Ink of EdoCloudsDances of MexicoEighteen Great Kabuki playsFamous Views of JapanFlowers of a Hundred YearsJapanese ZodiacKing LearLarge-head portraits of KabukiMoon Moth SuiteNaked SideshowPictorial Allusions, Reused BlocksSnow, Moon and Flowers in Downtown TokyoSun and Moon of Black's BeachThe Four SeasonsTravels with the Masteruntitled series: bijin on crimson backgrounds Artworks by subject Beautiful WomenBirds and FlowersBlack's BeachBlue ink picturesCatsCloudsEx LibrisGeishaHandsome MenKabuki actorsLandscapesNoh playsOpera Holland ParkSelf PortraitSouth-East AsiaStill LifeTattoos Artworks by medium AcrylicBlind/EmbossedCharcoalColour woodblockContéDrypointEtchingGraphiteInkJigsaw woodblockKappazuri stencilLithographMonochrome reliefOilPastelReduction woodblockWatercolour Red Reverse: Osamu Sleeping 2009 Waiting Time 2008 Behind the Hannya Mask 2005 Behind the Hannya Mask 2005 Sleeping Woman 2004 Sleeping Boy - Naoyuki 1997 Sleeping Boy - Osamu 1997